Database architecture

Explanation of tables

Collections explanation

  • actionAnswers/{actionUID}/values/{autoID} - containing answers/declaration of users
  • actionTypesDictionary/{autoID} - dictionary for spinner/comboBox to choose type of action. One or more types can have value isRescue = true . Those are action types with highest prio and default alarm set, Can be extended by client
  • actions/{autoID} - all created actions
  • assignment/{actionUID}/values/{autoID} - each doc is one vehicle assignment. Departure time, passengers and roles.
  • profiles/{userUID} - basic information about user
  • roles/{userUID} - roles assigned to user
  • tokens/{userUID} - FCM token for each user for sending FCM message
  • vehicles/{autoID} - dictionary of vehicles.
  • locale/{userUID} - assigned language of each user to determine notifications payload from cloud functions
  • reports/{actionUID} - reports from action created by user
  • chat/{actionUID}/messages/{timestamp} - collection for chat messages per each action.

Minimum database content requirements

If you followed QuickStart guide then described below documents should already be in your database created by initDatabase function. Without those requirements app won’t work

Required collections:

  • actionTypesDictionary
  • vehicles should always contain at least 1 common car capacity != null, name != null, ownerID = null and 1 dummy car capacity = null, isDummy = true, name != null (np. Unassigned), owenrID = null. Cars with owenrID != null can be deleted - they are created during declaration of user with ownVehicle checkbox marked.
  • roles/{userUID} should contain array named roles with two elements: user, admin. userUID is ID user from Authentication tab. This user is required for Admin panel to create new users with roles and profile tables.

User without roles and profiles document cannot log into mobile!!

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