Cloud functions

App is backed by Cloud functions by Firebase.

Functions listening to firestore events

  • On action doc created:
    actionWithAlarm - sends push notification to all users when action with value alarmEnabled set to true
  • On action doc upated:
    actionUpdate - compares action document before and after change
    • if field coordinatorUID has changed sends push notification to new coordinator (value after change)
    • if field currentStatus after change turned into cancelled sends push notification to all users who have answered to action
  • On assignment doc created (after action has been started with assignments to vehicles and roles assignment doc is created)
    actionStarted - sends push notification to all users who have any assignment to this action with info when their vehicle have departure time

API methods

All API methods requires authorization header with user ID token (getIdToken() on FirebaseUser) ). Base url is: https://<yourProject>

  • POST createUserAnswer
    create or update user answer in actionAnswers collection
    "authorization" : LoggedUserToken
     "userUID": "userUID",
     "actionUID": "actionUID",
     "declaredTime": "millis",
     "answer": "Agreed/Declined/NotDecided",
     "hasOwnTransport": "false/true/null",
     "nextAlarm": "millis"
  • POST createNewUser
    creates new user (Authentication, profile, roles). Used only by RescueWeb
    "authorization" : LoggedUserToken
     "userName": "userName",
     "password": "userPassword",
     "email": "userE-mail",
     "phone": "userPhone",
     "profession": "nurse/doctor/firstAid/rescue",
     "roles": [
     "skills": [
  • POST updateUser
    updates existing user (Authentication, profile, roles). Used only by RescueWeb
    "authorization" : LoggedUserToken
     "userName": "userName",
     "password": "userPassword",
     "email": "userE-mail",
     "phone": "userPhone",
     "profession": "nurse/doctor/firstAid/rescue",
     "roles": [
     "skills": [
     "uid": "userUID"
  • POST getUserMail
    obtain from Authentication desired user email based on its UID. Used only by RescueWeb
    "authorization" : LoggedUserToken
    {"uid": "userUID"}
  • POST saveUserLocale
    "authorization" : LoggedUserToken
    {"locale": "EN"}

Dangerous ones!!

  • POST cleanDatabase clean your database from all collections/documents created by mobile app: actions, assignment, actionAnswers, chat, reports
    "authorization" : LoggedUserToken
  • POST deleteAll
    "authorization" : LoggedUserToken

OneTime use

  • Initial setup of database: your_cloud_url/initDatabase  - use it to create first superuser of app and initial data in Firestore. Doesn’t require authorization header because no user exists yet. Payload:
        "email" : "",
        "password": "password",
        "userName": "UserName"

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